How to Create a Cohesive Instagram Feed

How to Create a Cohesive Instagram Feed:

5 Steps to Having a Consistent Cover Story So You Can Quickly Grow Your Following

Did you know that it takes two-tenths of a second for someone to decide whether or not they will follow you on social media? That means you have less than 1 second to "WOW" a new visitor into hitting that follow button.

Do you think your profile has what it takes? In this article, we'll uncover how to create a cohesive Instagram feed by making sure your cover story is consistent and beautiful so that you can quickly grow your following!

*PS: You can watch my FREE INSTAGRAM TRAINING by clicking RIGHT HERE!

What is a cover story and why is it important?

Creating a cohesive and consistent cover story is one of the key elements to having a successful Instagram account. Your cover story--a.k.a. the first 9 photos of your IG profile--is essentially your brand's first impression, what gets people in the door, and what keeps 'em there. It's what gets people interested and engaged with your Instagram profile, and what makes new visitors want to follow you. 

People love consistency, and this is especially true on social media. Having a consistent cover story is incredibly important for anyone who is serious about growing their Instagram following. Not only does it give off the first impression to any new visitors, but it continues to keep people interested as they start to follow your account. Post 1 inconsistent or bad picture and it could turn off your followers...or worse...make them unfollow you.


5 Steps to Creating a Cohesive Cover Story


1. Take Great Photos

Probably the most obvious step to having an amazing cover story is taking great photos. Make sure that every photo you take is visually pleasing and engaging. You can follow some of these simple photography rules to make sure your photos stand out from the crowd:

  • Take multiple shots to have variations to choose from. Move around, shoot vertically and horizontally, get different angles, etc.
  • Practice the rule of thirds
  • Consider the composition and framing of the photo
  • Select a subject and try out variations with it in the middle or off center

 *Bonus points for pictures that stir up emotions (especially those of happiness)!


2. Be Consistent

Being consistent with your Instagram photos is extremely important to having a cohesive feed. Make sure you are consistent with each of these things at all times :

  • You color palette. Pick a color palette and stick with it. Bright, dark, contrasted, etc. Just stick to it.
  • Your editing technique. Use the same (or similar) editing process for all of your photos so they all look consistent. *I like using VSCO and Snapseed for all of my photos.
  • Your layout. Make sure you have the same layout for all of your photos. If you're going to do a white frame on one photo, you have to do it on all of them. Same goes for photos in landscape or portrait frames so that they all look cohesive on your feed.
  • Your theme. Pick a theme and make sure your photos go with it. You can try to choose 3-5 different types of images that all fit within that theme and alternate between posting those photos. Example: You have a food blog and you post 1) food pics, 2) restaurant interiors, 3) selfies of you eating the food and/or hanging at the restaurant, and 4) ingredients to make food.


3. Match Your Photos to Your Bio's Expectations

Use the space you have in your bio to set up expectations for what your followers can expect from you. If you say that you are a fashion blogger posting about street style, don't post a random photo of your little cousin's birthday party or a frog that you saw outside your window. It just doesn't make sense and it doesn't go with the flow. Yes, those pictures might be nice; but if you're trying to create a cohesive profile,  stick to what you said you would in your bio. 


4. Tell Your Story

Use your feed to tell your brand's story. It is your opportunity to use visuals to convey your message and story to your followers. Choose a theme and editing style that can align well with your brand's story and keep with it. Maybe you're a travel blogger who loves sharing pictures from the places you travel, so you share those colorful images. Or maybe you're a bike rental company and you want to show off how much people love (and look good) riding your bikes, so you share simple and beautiful images of people enjoying the bikes. Get creative with it and have fun!


5. Grow It Frequently

If you've gone through this article and feel disappointed that your Instagram feed isn't where you want it to be, don't worry! The best thing you can do to create a cohesive IG feed is to grow it frequently. Have a consistent posting schedule that you stick to every day (or week) and always be adding to your feed. You can always try and test out new ways that work best for you, but just make sure you are growing your feed frequently and being consistent with how often you post.


Growing your Instagram feed can take time; but once you start practicing these tips, you'll start creating a feed that will undoubtedly make people want to join in on your journey.

Just remember to be consistent and always be growing! 

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*PS: You can watch my FREE INSTAGRAM TRAINING by clicking RIGHT HERE!



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